Monday, July 9, 2007


so the branch (where i work) is moving next week.

you think we would be ready by now, but nope.... my boss does not want to spend the money to pay for a delivery truck to come over and get crap out of here.

nope he just wants to wait for his buddies to have trucks available to use.

so basically for the last week or so now we could have had about half of the crap here gone, but it is still here.

still sitting here waiting to be moved due to the fact that i have a very extremely cheap boss.

this move or potential move has been a fucking nightmare. everyone is ready to scream due to the fact that nothing is getting done and really can';t since crap is stock piling in the small warehouse that we have now.

arrrrggghhhhhh...that was lame...sorry....

so i can bet that when we finally do move that it will be one giant cluster fuck of a time.

should be fun, wanna help..?

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